Conversion Rate Optimization

Paid Advertising


How Piñaq Liqueur Achieved a 6x Return on Ad Spend and Boosted Sales by 64% Year Over Year


Piñaq Success Story


Step 01


Piñaq, a renowned liqueur brand, faced the challenge of stagnant growth and sought ways to magnify its brand visibility and sales. They partnered with us to revamp their digital marketing approach, focusing primarily on Facebook ads and conversion rate optimization (CRO). This case study delves into the strategies employed and the impressive outcomes they yielded.


Step 01


Piñaq, a renowned liqueur brand, faced the challenge of stagnant growth and sought ways to magnify its brand visibility and sales. They partnered with us to revamp their digital marketing approach, focusing primarily on Facebook ads and conversion rate optimization (CRO). This case study delves into the strategies employed and the impressive outcomes they yielded.


Step 01


Piñaq, a renowned liqueur brand, faced the challenge of stagnant growth and sought ways to magnify its brand visibility and sales. They partnered with us to revamp their digital marketing approach, focusing primarily on Facebook ads and conversion rate optimization (CRO). This case study delves into the strategies employed and the impressive outcomes they yielded.


Step 02

The Objectives

  1. Elevate brand awareness among target audiences on Facebook.
  2. Increase online and offline sales by leveraging Facebook's advertising platform.
  3. Enhance the brand's website conversion rate through optimization.

Step 02

The Objectives

  1. Elevate brand awareness among target audiences on Facebook.
  2. Increase online and offline sales by leveraging Facebook's advertising platform.
  3. Enhance the brand's website conversion rate through optimization.

Step 02

The Objectives

  1. Elevate brand awareness among target audiences on Facebook.
  2. Increase online and offline sales by leveraging Facebook's advertising platform.
  3. Enhance the brand's website conversion rate through optimization.

Step 03

The Strategy

  1. Audience Segmentation and Targeting:
    We identified and segmented the brand’s target demographics using Facebook's audience insights. This allowed us to craft tailored ad campaigns that resonate with each audience segment.
  2. Creative Development:
    Collaborating with Piñaq, we developed visually captivating ad creatives highlighting the brand's unique selling points. A/B tests were run on creative formats to identify the most engaging visuals and copy.
  3. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):
    We revamped Piñaq’s landing pages to align with our ad campaigns better. A/B testing, heatmaps, and session recordings were used to identify and rectify any friction points in the user journey.
  4. Performance Monitoring and Iteration:
    We continuously monitored campaign performance using Facebook’s analytics tools. Low-performing ads were tweaked or replaced, and successful strategies were scaled up.

Step 03

The Strategy

  1. Audience Segmentation and Targeting:
    We identified and segmented the brand’s target demographics using Facebook's audience insights. This allowed us to craft tailored ad campaigns that resonate with each audience segment.
  2. Creative Development:
    Collaborating with Piñaq, we developed visually captivating ad creatives highlighting the brand's unique selling points. A/B tests were run on creative formats to identify the most engaging visuals and copy.
  3. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):
    We revamped Piñaq’s landing pages to align with our ad campaigns better. A/B testing, heatmaps, and session recordings were used to identify and rectify any friction points in the user journey.
  4. Performance Monitoring and Iteration:
    We continuously monitored campaign performance using Facebook’s analytics tools. Low-performing ads were tweaked or replaced, and successful strategies were scaled up.

Step 03

The Strategy

  1. Audience Segmentation and Targeting:
    We identified and segmented the brand’s target demographics using Facebook's audience insights. This allowed us to craft tailored ad campaigns that resonate with each audience segment.
  2. Creative Development:
    Collaborating with Piñaq, we developed visually captivating ad creatives highlighting the brand's unique selling points. A/B tests were run on creative formats to identify the most engaging visuals and copy.
  3. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):
    We revamped Piñaq’s landing pages to align with our ad campaigns better. A/B testing, heatmaps, and session recordings were used to identify and rectify any friction points in the user journey.
  4. Performance Monitoring and Iteration:
    We continuously monitored campaign performance using Facebook’s analytics tools. Low-performing ads were tweaked or replaced, and successful strategies were scaled up.

The Results

6x Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Piñaq experienced an impressive average of 6 times return on every dollar spent on advertising. This demonstrated the effectiveness of the tailored ads and efficient use of the budget.

64% Increase in Year Over Year Sales

Online sales skyrocketed, and offline retailers reported a significant uplift in Piñaq purchases. The digital campaigns influenced offline buying behaviors.

Improved Website Performance

Post-CRO (conversion rate optimization), Piñaq's website saw decreased bounce rates and a substantial increase in average session durations. Visitors were more engaged and more likely to complete a purchase.

6x Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Piñaq experienced an impressive average of 6 times return on every dollar spent on advertising. This demonstrated the effectiveness of the tailored ads and efficient use of the budget.

64% Increase in Year Over Year Sales

Online sales skyrocketed, and offline retailers reported a significant uplift in Piñaq purchases. The digital campaigns influenced offline buying behaviors.

Improved Website Performance

Post-CRO (conversion rate optimization), Piñaq's website saw decreased bounce rates and a substantial increase in average session durations. Visitors were more engaged and more likely to complete a purchase.

"They offer excellent service and are very knowledgeable about marketing and advertising. The team is excellent at project management, delivering on time and within budget."


Gabriel Sezanayev

Founder, Piñaq

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