Case studies
Alex Yadgarov & Associates
Alex Yadgarov & Associates, a law firm specializing in personal injury cases, sought to increase its online presence and efficiency in lead generation. Our challenge was to significantly boost its lead quality and conversion rates while reducing the cost per lead through targeted digital marketing strategies.
Legal Services


  • Increase Quality Leads
    1. Enhance the quality of leads generated through precise targeting and optimization.
  • Boost Conversion Rates
    1. Improve the percentage of leads converting into clients.
  • Reduce Cost per Lead
    1. Decrease the expenses associated with acquiring new leads.


The firm was experiencing high costs per lead with low conversion rates, which impacted its return on investment and overall marketing efficiency.


  • Google Ads Optimization:
    1. Refined Google Ads campaigns to target highly relevant audiences, focusing on those most likely to need legal assistance.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization:
    1. Implemented CRO techniques to streamline the user experience on the website, particularly on landing pages where ads directed traffic.
  • Continuous A/B Testing:
    1. Conducted ongoing A/B testing to identify the most effective ad copy and landing page designs, ensuring optimal performance.


  • Campaign Refinement:
    1. We overhauled existing Google Ads campaigns, focusing on high-intent keywords and optimized ad placements.
  • Landing Page Redesign:
    1. Redesigned landing pages to improve clarity, offer value, and remove barriers to conversion.
  • Performance Monitoring:
    1. Employed robust analytics to monitor campaign performance and make real-time data-driven adjustments.


  • 300% Increase in Quality Leads
    1. Our targeted approach tripled the number of high-quality leads.
  • 78% Boost in Conversions
    1. Refined user journeys and optimized call-to-action placements significantly increased conversions.
  • 35% Lower Cost per Lead
    1. Efficiency in ad spending and better targeting reduced overall lead acquisition costs by 35%.
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