Case studies
Web Development
Manhattan Buyers
Manhattan Buyers, a premier buyer of luxury watches and jewelry, engaged our agency to redesign their website, focusing on SEO optimization to enhance organic search visibility and reduce reliance on paid advertising.
Luxury Goods


  • Redesign the website to be more SEO-friendly, enhancing visibility in organic search results.
  • Reduce the overall cost of customer acquisition by decreasing dependency on Google Ads.
  • Improve the user experience and site navigation to facilitate easier customer interactions and transactions.


  • SEO Performance
    1. The existing website had poor SEO performance, which limited organic reach and increased reliance on costly Google Ads.
  • High Acquisition Costs
    1. Dependency on paid search campaigns led to unsustainable customer acquisition costs.
  • User Experience Issues
    1. Previous website design did not effectively engage users or encourage transactions, affecting conversion rates.


  • SEO-Driven Design
    1. Implemented a new website architecture optimized for search engines, with improved meta tags, keyword integration, and content relevancy.
  • Content Strategy Enhancement
    1. Developed rich, engaging content targeting high-value keywords to attract organic traffic and reduce paid ad spend.
  • User Experience Overhaul
    1. Revamped the website design to provide a seamless, intuitive user experience, improving navigation and speeding up the transaction process.


  • Phase 1: SEO Audit and Strategy Development
    1. Conducted a comprehensive SEO audit to identify weaknesses and opportunities, developing a content and technical SEO strategy.
  • Phase 2: Website Redesign and Optimization
    1. Executed the redesign with a strong emphasis on SEO best practices while updating the UI/UX to be more user-friendly
  • Phase 3: Monitoring and Adjustment
    1. Post-launch, monitored website performance to assess SEO impact and made necessary adjustments to optimize results.


  • Improved SEO Visibility
    1. Post-redesign, the website significantly improved organic search rankings for key terms related to luxury goods purchasing.
  • Reduced Acquisition Costs
    1. With enhanced SEO, the dependency on Google Ads decreased, leading to a substantial drop in customer acquisition costs.
  • Enhanced User Engagement
    1. The new website design improved user engagement, with increased time on site and lower bounce rates, which directly contributed to higher conversion rates
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