Case studies
Metropolitan College of New York
Metropolitan College of New York partnered with our agency to launch a targeted Facebook advertising campaign for their Master of Public Administration in Emergency and Disaster Management program. This program, notable for being the school’s first-ever online degree and specifically tailored to military veterans, required a strategic approach to reach this unique audience effectively.


  • Drive substantial enrollment increases for the newly launched online Master of Public Administration in Emergency and Disaster Management program.
  • Achieve a high return on ad spend by targeting military veterans and those interested in emergency management careers.
  • Build awareness of the college's innovative online offerings and support the program's launch as a pioneering educational opportunity.


  • Targeting a Niche Audience
    1. Effectively reaching military veterans interested in advancing their emergency and disaster management education.
  • Launching a New Program
    1. Introducing the market to the college’s first online degree, necessitating clear communication of its value and relevance.
  • Competitive Online Education Market
    1. Standing out in a crowded online education market where numerous institutions compete for similar demographics.


  • Specialized Audience Targeting
    1. Utilized Facebook’s advanced targeting capabilities to pinpoint military veterans and individuals with a demonstrated interest in emergency management careers.
  • Compelling Creative and Messaging
    1. Developed engaging ad content that highlighted the global accreditation, dynamic online learning environment, and specific benefits for veterans.
  • Agile Testing and Optimization
    1. Implemented a dynamic testing strategy to quickly identify the most effective ad variations, optimizing them in real time for better performance.


  • Phase 1: Strategy Development and Audience Segmentation
    1. Collaborated with Metropolitan College to understand the unique selling points of the new program and segmented the audience based on detailed demographic and psychographic data.
  • Phase 2: Campaign Execution
    1. Launched diverse ad sets tailored to appeal to the military veteran community, emphasizing the program’s accreditation, flexibility, and career impact.
  • Phase 3: Performance Monitoring and Adjustment
    1. Utilized continuous monitoring to assess ad performance, applying insights to refine strategies and scale up the most successful approaches.


  • 180x Campaign ROAS
    1. The Facebook Ads campaign resulted in a 180x return on ad spend, with a dramatic increase in enrollment, particularly among the targeted veteran community.
  • First-Ever Online Program Launch
    1. Successfully launched the college's first online degree program, establishing a robust online presence and setting a precedent for future online educational offerings.
  • Enhanced Brand Visibility and Recognition
    1. Increased awareness of Metropolitan College’s commitment to innovative, accessible education for veterans and emergency management professionals, leading to broader interest in the college’s other programs.

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